Our 2013 Beacon Scholarship Recipient: Christine Anderson

Christine Anderson used the Beacon Scholarship to fund her internship at the San Francisco School where she was immersed in Orff process with students from preschool through 8th grade. While the internship consisted primarily of observation, Christine also participated in classes and readings, as well as some planning and teaching in collaboration with the teachers at SFS.

The most important idea Christine took away from the internship was “Do No Harm.” This principle is often heard about in terms of medicine, but she believes it’s just as important in music education. She explains, “if students come away from music class feeling like they aren’t very good at music or not having enjoyed the class, even if they’ve improved their musical skills, they’re not likely to become lifelong musicians. Music class must always be a positive place. Not that it shouldn’t be hard work, not that students shouldn’t be pushed, not that students shouldn’t face negative consequences when appropriate, but the teacher should always act with love, kindness, and with an eye to the moment. Before my internship, I might have stopped students in the middle of a piece to correct something, where now I encourage them afterward to grow with, ‘NOW can you do this?’” While few teachers would discourage students on purpose, being ever-mindful of using encouragement as the first strategy is vital to making every class a joyful music-making experience.


Our 2014 Beacon Scholarship Recipient: Ardith Collins