Reflecting on possibilities

Think back to the training that formatively transformed your teaching. For some, it was Methods and Pedagogy classes with a particularly influential professor, or a powerful experience with their student teaching mentor. For some, it was enlightening conference sessions, or illuminating PD workshops. For many more, it was a two week immersive Levels course (or series of courses) that challenged their creative limits and unlocked a new perspective and a well of inspiration to bring back to their students. All of these settings have a few things in common. They all are group settings of collaboration and mentorship with fellows in the field - a common sandbox to bring together professional and life experience of all involved, and a melting pot of ideas to explore and grow with and from. They are all transformative - participants leave changed, permanently altered by new levels of awareness, consideration, and pedagogical roadmaps that are now laid out before them. They are changed as human beings, with altered patterns of thought and a deeper connection to the human element that musical creation taps into. And, none of them are free.

ACEMM’s mission is remove roadblocks between the humble means of elemental music educators and the formative and transformative experiences that have lift up and connect us as teachers, mentors, and human beings. Our Beacon Scholarships and Spark Grants exist for the sole purpose of funding the realization of an educator’s potential. Our recipients have used funds to pay for Levels Training, attend local and national conferences, enroll in immersive PD locally, nationally, and abroad, and to bring big ideas for their programs to fruition. For over a decade, we have enabled that formative transformation by investing in our recipients, who in turn have enriched our greater musical and educational community locally, nationally, and internationally.

Giving Tuesday is fueled by the idea that many individuals acting together can cause sweeping change, and we ask you to reflect on the impact your own training has had on you on this day of grassroots giving. Your donation is more than a monetary contribution; it's a symphony of possibilities. With 100% of your generous support dedicated to Beacon Scholarship and Spark Grant payouts, every dollar will lift up and enable fellow educators’ access to priceless collaboration, mentorship, and development.

Imagine the impact of your donation: a music educator, inspired by your support, unlocks a new pedagogical tool that resonates deeply with their students. These students, in turn, find their voices through music, discovering confidence, creativity, and passion. Your donation creates a ripple effect, shaping futures, and nurturing talents that might otherwise go unheard.

Click the link below to make a difference this Giving Tuesday. Your support isn't just a donation; it's a powerful instrument in shaping the future of music education. Together, let's compose a symphony of change, harmonizing the aspirations of our fellow educators and the melodies of budding musicians. Join us in creating a world where music education knows no bounds, where every educator has the resources to cultivate the next generation of musical maestros.

Need one more incentive? This year, every level of donation will be met with complimentary ACEMM merch! Just submit the amount you are able, and be rewarded with a variety of awesome gifts as a token of our appreciation of you - shipped right to your door!


ACEMM Book Study Group