Our Spring 2024 Spotlight Recipient: Megan Standlick
Pioneering Excellence in Elemental Music and Movement Education
The greatest lesson I hope to teach my students through their involvement in musical performances like this is that their contributions as individuals are an essential part of the whole.
Few music educators shine as brightly as Megan Standlick, an exceptional educator at John Gandy Elementary School in Hanover County, Virginia. With a passion for nurturing holistic development through music and movement, Megan has left an indelible mark on her students, colleagues, and the wider community.
A pivotal moment in Megan's career occurred in 2019 when her school embraced the House System, inspired by the renowned Ron Clark Academy in Atlanta, Georgia. Megan played a central role in shaping this transformative initiative, which aimed to foster a sense of belonging, enhance student achievement, and ignite intrinsic motivation. The results speak volumes: a 50% reduction in behavior referrals, vibrant house competitions fueling student engagement, and a palpable culture of camaraderie developed at her school.
At the heart of Megan's approach lies ‘Team Time,’ an innovative program devised in collaboration with the school's resource team. Drawing upon her expertise in music education, Megan crafted a curriculum that not only cultivates academic excellence but also nurtures essential life skills and values. Through collaborative planning and teaching, Megan and her colleagues have empowered students to make meaningful contributions to their community, from uplifting messages on Wawa coffee sleeves to heartwarming gestures of support for neighboring schools.
Megan's impact extends far beyond the confines of her classroom. As a staunch advocate for professional development, she mentors aspiring music educators, welcoming practicum students and student teachers into her classroom. Her dedication to lifelong learning is exemplified by her involvement in the James River Orff chapter, where she holds leadership positions and spearheads initiatives to enrich music education regionally. Megan's tireless commitment to her craft earned her the prestigious title of Innovator of the Year in 2022-23, a testament to her pursuit of excellence.
Keith Matthews, a colleague of Megan's, lauds her as a beacon of leadership and mentorship within the education community. Victoria Redfern Cave, another esteemed colleague, commends Megan's boundless energy and unwavering dedication to her students and professional growth.
Megan Standlick embodies the essence of an exceptional elemental music and movement educator. Through her innovative programs, collaborative spirit, and commitment to student success, she has elevated the standards of music education and is creating a powerful legacy that will resonate for years to come. As Megan continues to inspire and empower the next generation of musicians and leaders, her impact will undoubtedly reverberate far beyond the walls of John Gandy Elementary School.
Through Megan Standlick's exemplary work, the transformative power of music and movement education shines bright, illuminating pathways to academic achievement, personal growth, and community enrichment.
Megan is a shining example of a teacher who dedicates herself not only to her students, but to her professional development life. A level three, Orff certified teacher from the VCU course, Megan is an active member of the James River Orff chapter. The chapter is regional and small, and often teachers travel over an hour to attend every workshop. Megan has held leadership positions in the chapter and tirelessly shepherded the chapter through tough times during the pandemic. Her energy, enthusiasm, and relentless efforts to continue to be a better music and movement educator sparkle in each chapter share she presents, each workshop she attends and with every lesson she teaches to her incredible students at John M. Gandy Elementary school in Hanover County in Virginia, where she received the Innovator of the Year in 2022-23. - Victoria Redfearn Cave, Fellow member of James River Orff
In addition to being a stellar elementary music teacher, Megan is heavily involved in all aspects of student life at her school (John Gandy Elementary). She takes on leadership and administrative roles in an effort to better all students' experiences at school. Megan has become a mentor for many of our music teachers who are new to the profession and is eager to provide and/or facilitate professional learning opportunities across the school division. Megan is well-liked and respected and is regarded as an asset to music education in our community and beyond. - Keith Matthews, Hanover County Schools Performing Arts Specialist
Megan is an outstanding educator. She is an educational leader not only in our school or even just our division, but our whole region. Megan excells in building relationships with students and in creating engaging lessons that are tailored to each student’s individual needs. It is a regular occurrence for Megan to creatively schedule her day so that she can meet with small groups or individuals to support them in their unique learning needs.
Megan is a visionary and seeks to revolutionize education for her students. She is has been an integral part of developing and implementing a house system at our school and now coaches other schools as they create systems for their schools. She leads our resource team as team leader and guides us as we create a unique resource schedule for our students that supports their social emotional needs as well as the standards of learning. Megan is loved and respected by all who know her. I have watched former students and parents seek her out to share their latest life news or creative accomplishments even after they and their children have gone on to other schools. Megan is often sought out by division leadership to lead PD or to organize efforts for the district chorus. - Lauren Churchill, Resource Teammate